Character HTML Untuk Web/Blog


Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
Euro Symbol € €
© Copyright © ©
® Registered Trademark ® ®
Trademark Sign (TM) ™ -
@ At Symbol - @
& Ampersand & &
Paragraph ¶ ¶
- Hyphen - -
En Dash – &#150
Em Dash — —
¬ Not Sign ¬ ¬
Single Left Pointing Angle ‹ -
Single Right Pointing Angle › -
« Double Left Pointing Angle « «
» Double Right Pointing Angle » »
Left Arrow ← -
Upward Arrow ↑ -
Right Arrow → -
Downward Arrow ↓ -
Black Spade Suit (Not available in Firefox) ♠ -
Black Clubs Suit (Not available in Firefox) ♣ -
Black Hearts Suit (Not available in Firefox) ♥ -
Black Diamond Suit (Not available in Firefox) ♦ -
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Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
` Grave Accent - `
´ Acute Accent ´ ´
¯ Macron Accent ¯ ¯
¨ Umlaut ¨ ¨
¸ Cedilla ¸ ¸
· Middle Dot · ·
º Masculine Ordinal º º
ª Feminine Ordinal ª ª
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Letter A Accents

Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
À Uppercase A - Grave Accent À À
à Lowercase A - Grave Accent à à
Á Uppercase A - Acute Accent Á Á
á Lowercase A - Acute Accent á á
 Uppercase A - Circumflex Accent  Â
â Lowercase A - Circumflex Accent â â
à Uppercase A - Tilde à Ã
ã Lowercase A - Tilde ã ã
Ä Uppercase A - Umlaut Ä Ä
ä Lowercase A - Umlaut ä ä
Å Uppercase A - Ring Å Å
å Lowercase A - Ring å å
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Letter E Accents

Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
È Uppercase E - Grave Accent È È
è Lowercase E - Grave Accent è è
É Uppercase E - Acute Accent É É
é Lowercase E - Acute Accent é é
Ê Uppercase E - Circumflex Accent Ê Ê
ê Lowercase E - Circumflex Accent ê ê
Ë Uppercase E - Umlaut Ë Ë
ë Lowercase E - Umlaut ë ë
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Letter I Accents

Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
Ì Uppercase I - Grave Accent Ì Ì
ì Lowercase I - Grave Accent ì ì
Í Uppercase I - Acute Accent Í Í
í Lowercase I - Acute Accent í í
Î Uppercase I - Circumflex Accent Î Î
î Lowercase I - Circumflex Accent î î
Ï Uppercase I - Umlaut Ï Ï
ï Lowercase I - Umlaut ï ï
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Letter O Accents

Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
Ò Uppercase O - Grave Accent Ò Ò
ò Lowercase O - Grave Accent ò ò
Ó Uppercase O - Acute Accent Ó Ó
ó Lowercase O - Acute Accent ó ó
Ô Uppercase O - Circumflex Accent Ô Ô
ô Lowercase O - Circumflex Accent ô ô
Õ Uppercase O - Tilde Õ Õ
õ Lowercase O - Tilde õ õ
Ö Uppercase O - Umlaut Ö Ö
ö Lowercase O - Umlaut ö ö
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Letter U Accents

Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
Ugrave; Uppercase U - Grave Accent Ù Ù
ù Lowercase U - Grave Accent ù ù
Ú Uppercase U - Acute Accent Ú Ú
ú Lowercase U - Acute Accent ú ú
Û Uppercase U - Circumflex Accent Û Û
û Lowercase U - Circumflex Accent û û
Ü Uppercase U - Umlaut Ü Ü
ü Lowercase U - Umlaut ü ü
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Additional Accents

Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
Æ Uppercase AE Æ Æ
æ Lowercase AE æ æ
Ç Uppercase C - Cedilla Ç Ç
ç Lowercase C - Cedilla ç ç
Ñ Uppercase N - Tilde Ñ Ñ
ñ Lowercase N - Tilde ñ ñ
Ý Uppercase Y - Acute Accent Ý Ý
ý Lowercase Y - Acute Accent ý ý
ÿ Lowercase Y - Umlaut ÿ ÿ
Ð Uppercase Eth - Icelandic Ð Ð
ð Lowercase Eth - Icelandic ð ð
Þ Uppercase Thorn - Icelandic Þ Þ
þ Lowercase Thorn - Icelandic þ þ
ß Lowercase Sharps - German ß ß
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Quotes and Punctuation

Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
! Exclamation Mark - !
¡ Inverted Exclamation ¡ ¡
? Question Mark - ?
¿ Inverted Question Mark ¿ ¿
: Colon - :
; Semicolon - &#59;
, Comma - ,
. Period - .
Horizontal Ellipsis … …
' Apostrophe - '
* Asterisk - *
Dagger † -
Double Dagger ‡
Per Mill Sign ‰ -
¹ Superscript 1 ¹ ¹
² Superscript 3 ² ²
³ Superscript 3 ³ ³
¼ One-Fourth Fraction ¼ ¼
½ One-Half Fraction ½ ½
¾ Three-Fourths Fraction ¾ ¾
^ Caret - ^
~ Tilde - ~
Overline (Overscore) ‾ -
_ Horizontal Bar (Underscore) - _
Left Single Quote ‘ -
Right Single Quote ’ -
Left Double Quote; “ -
Right Double Quote ” -
Single Low-9 Quote ‚ -
Double Low-9 Quote „ -
" Double Quotation Mark " "
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Slashes and Brackets

Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
/ Slash ⁄ /
\ Backslash - \
( Left Parenthesis - (
) Right Parenthesis - )
[ Left Square Bracket - [
] Right Square Bracket - ]
{ Left Curly Brace - {
} Right Curly Brace - }
| Vertical Bar - |
¦ Broken Vertical Bar ¦ ¦
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Money and Math Symbols

Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
% Percent Sign - %
# Number Sign - #
Euro Sign € €
$ Dollar Sign - $
¢ Cent Sign ¢ ¢
¥ Yen Sig ¥ ¥
£ Pound Sterling £ £
¤ General Currency Sign ¤ ¤
+ Plus Sign - +
× Multiplication Sign × ×
÷ Division Sign ÷ ÷
= Equals Sign - =
± Plus or Minus ± ±
< Less Than Sign &lt; &#60;
> Greater Than Sign &gt; &#62;
µ Micro Sign &micro; &#181;
° Degree Sign &deg; &#176;
§ Section Sign &sect; &#167;
Ø Uppercase O - Slash &Oslash; &#216;
ø Lowercase O - Slash &oslash; &#248;
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Uppercase Letters

Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
A Uppercase A - &#65;
B Uppercase B - &#66;
C Uppercase C - &#67;
D Uppercase D - &#68;
E Uppercase E - &#69;
F Uppercase F - &#70;
G Uppercase G - &#71;
H Uppercase H - &#72;
I Uppercase I - &#73;
J Uppercase J - &#74;
K Uppercase K - &#75;
L Uppercase L - &#76;
M Uppercase M - &#77;
N Uppercase N - &#78;
O Uppercase O - &#79;
P Uppercase P - &#80;
Q Uppercase Q - &#81;
R Uppercase R - &#82;
S Uppercase S - &#83;
T Uppercase T - &#84;
U Uppercase U - &#85;
V Uppercase V - &#86;
W Uppercase W - &#87;
X Uppercase X - &#88;
Y Uppercase Y - &#89;
Z Uppercase Z - &#90;
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Lowercase Letters

Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
a Lowercase A - &#97;
b Lowercase B - &#98;
c Lowercase C - &#99;
d Lowercase D - &#100;
e Lowercase E - &#101;
f Lowercase F - &#102;
g Lowercase G - &#103;
h Lowercase H - &#104;
i Lowercase I - &#105;
j Lowercase J - &#106;
k Lowercase K - &#107;
l Lowercase L - &#108;
m Lowercase M - &#109;
n Lowercase N - &#110;
o Lowercase O - &#111;
p Lowercase P - &#112;
q Lowercase Q - &#113;
r Lowercase R - &#114;
s Lowercase S - &#115;
t Lowercase T - &#116;
u Lowercase U - &#117;
v Lowercase V - &#118;
w Lowercase W - &#119;
x Lowercase X - &#120;
y Lowercase Y - &#121;
z Lowercase Z - &#122;
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Glyph Description Name Code Number Code
0 Zero - &#48;
1 Number 1 - &#49;
2 Number 2 - &#50;
3 Number 3 - &#51;
4 Number 4 - &#52;
5 Number 5 - &#53;
6 Number 6 - &#54;
7 Number 7 - &#55;
8 Number 8 - &#56;
9 Number 9 - &#57;
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  1. wow, ada yg baru gak ya code nya hihi. Nice broo, buat symbol tertentu di blog saya :^D^:


Perhatian !! Komentar Pada Bulan September 2012 belum bisa di balas.
di karenakan semua admin sedang sibuk dengan urusan kulliahnya.
semoga setelah akhir bulan artikel dan komentar akan segera di update.

terima kasih atas perhatiannya sekali lagi kami minta maaf yang sebesar-besarnya.
